Welcome to Weight Loss 365. Most of you know me as the reviewer on Vegan365.net. Well, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Shelly, and I'm overweight.
"Hi, Shelly!"
It seems counterintuitive to me. Here's a chica who is filling her body with lots of tasty things, how could she be overweight? Well, veganism is great but I learned the hard way to make sure that I wasn't the stereotypical "junk food vegan," who fills up on fries and vegan cookies and brownies, and wonders why her diet is not working. Also, I am gradually easing myself back into being vegan and holding myself accountable by writing the blog. With that in mind, I am easing myself into weight loss as well and I will hold myself accountable by writing this blog. Sound good? Great. Let's get started. :)
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