Our first transformation is my fiancé, Bryan F. He was active in high school, playing tennis for four years in high school. The weight piled on a bit during college and his time at work, but he topped the scale at around 171 at 5'7" tall. For a small-framed person like my fiancé, this weight was somewhat bothersome but not enough to do much about it. Then the top picture showed up on my Facebook page.
"I guess it was seeing that picture and being made fun of for it that made me want to lose weight," said Bryan. He decided to get going on his weight loss. He began walking regularly every night, and began doing 5K's with me. He and I went to the gym every time we got together, going swimming, strength training, and working out on the bike. He also began limiting his portions, carefully considering each days eating choices. Eventually, the pounds began falling off.
Bryan went down as far as 145 lbs, and then stabilized around 148-150 and has kept it off for 2 years. What's his secret? "I eat less," he says simply. Works for me. :-) Bryan has also made his way through culinary school and is set to graduate in November. He has a very prestigious internship with a nice restaurant in the suburbs.
Be sure to send in your stories here or to my Facebook wall. I would be super happy to read them. I hope everyone enjoys your Sunday, and remember that someday this could be you!
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