Sad news, folks. Vegan365 is now officially closed after 1 year of keeping it up. I hope you all won't be too disappointed, I rarely eat meat and generally if I do its seafood or chicken, but I need protein for my long runs and bike riding. If I don't eat some form of protein after working out, I feel horrible the rest of the day. So, all that to say Vegan365 is on permanent hiatus. But please consider following this site as well! We'll have a good time and enjoy ourselves. :-)
Speaking of, my fiancé dropped by unexpectedly and we watched a movie together. We actually watched the new Muppet movie, which was pretty good. None of the original folks were on board, Jim Henson passed away ages ago and Frank Oz wasn't in it, so I was disappointed in that. I couldn't figure out why Fozzie Bear sounded so... unlike himself, lol. I found out they have a whole new crew of people doing the voices. They had some of the oldies but goodies in there like "Rainbow Connection" and the theme song from the show. Yes, the fiancé and I love kids movies, what it do? We were so excited to see Planes cause we were such big fans of Cars and Cars 2. 29 going on 4. :-D
I managed to drag my butt to the gym after being sore this morning and managed to pump out 5.61 miles on the stationary bike, obliterating my previous record. I burned about 182 calories (not that I was counting ;-) ) and walked out on wobbly legs. That's why I'm always so grateful for my protein bars after a workout. I keep hoping I'll have enough money to go to S2 and stock up, but I will have to wait til next week I think, until the last paycheck from my previous job comes in. :-) I have seen this fruit loop protein powder, and it looks wicked awesome. 1st Phorm even put out a recipe to make the fruit loop protein powder into frozen yogurt! I will have to try that sometime.
Well, it's about time for me to get ready for bed, I hope everyone has a fantastic evening.
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