
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day Seven: Down (Almost) Fifteen Pounds!

Yeah, I know it hasn't technically been seven days, but with work and the other blog I have been struggling to keep up with this blog as well. Still, I will definitely try to keep working on posts on this site whenever I can.

I can't believe that I am almost down 15 pounds since starting the BMR Bliss Pack. I am very glad to have some weight off, even though most of it has been just from not eating and working all day. I definitely love my job 99.99 percent of the time but sometimes it just gets on my nerves, lol. Last night was interesting because there were only two of us and my co-worker was off hiding somewhere and there was often a 5-or-6 customer line. Thankfully during the day the managers are around to catch the slackers but it happens, I suppose.

I found out today that someone has paid one of my restaurant bills. I took Bryan out to eat at a restaurant and paid for a delicious pizza and pretzels, and I found out that it has been struck from the record for one reason or another, freeing up some money for other things. This definitely must be a God thing, cause I was shocked to see my bank account at the number it was.

Yes, I have been corrupted and have been seeking God more. Normally my spiritual mind is like a 5-year-old on a playground, going from one thing to the next without being interested in any one thing in particular. Save the really hardcore conservative and nature religions, I've probably tried it at least once.

I still don't like churches. When I was in college I got kicked out of a college ministry for being a bit of a dingbat and I have never quite forgotten that yucky feeling. Besides, to me it seems like churches are hotbeds for cliques and exclusivity. Nevertheless, I have been enjoying praying and watching Joyce Meyer on TV, and I hope eventually something will come of it. But in the meantime I am living in the moment.

I hope everyone has a good day. Mine is off to a good start already. :)


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day Six: A Push in the Right Direction

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I start my first day of work tomorrow bright and early at 6am. Hopefully I will be able to work without falling asleep on the till!

I have been working out hard core today. I went to the gym not once but twice today, first for the cardio and second for weight training. I have gone down 2 lbs of water weight since working out with the weights, which probably means I need to do weight training more often. I did several different machines, working out my arms, legs, chest, and abs. I probably need to try some different types of weights out like the scary looking press machines that have the big bar at the end with weights of various sizes and a little platform that you push up. I would love to try those but I'm more than slightly afraid of breaking my back, or the machine. Either one would rack up a lot of debt. :-D

I have started to ease up on the PowerAde Zeros (a bad addiction of mine) and have begun to drink more water. I've noticed that my appetite since drinking more water has been cut in half. I have got me a neat little water cup and I have been periodically filling it up with water for most of the day. I am hoping to eventually get a Joy FM cup and fill it up with water at work. My work offers free water and soda for employees so I will be filling it up periodically throughout the day. I hope to eventually be 100 percent water-drinking by the end of the week.

This is the groovy looking Joy FM tumbler:


(Photo from, check the store out for more fun items!)
Week two photos are coming soon too, after I can get a decent photo ready. Take care all, and have a great day!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day Four: My Worky-Work

I started my new job today. Came in to sign some paperwork and earned $17. I hope this will be a fantastic job. Everyone seems really nice though.

I'm sorry for not posting for awhile. I had an anonymous person somewhat insult my other blog, Vegan365, because I pay for my own products to review. They said because of that it was a fake blog and they weren't going to sponsor my reviews. So as soon as I get my paycheck from my first two weeks of work, I will continue to pay for my review products. I don't really mind doing that, I just think of myself as a guinea pig of sorts and enjoy putting money into a habit I feel passionate about.

My weight loss has been going fairly well, at least going down steadily. Due to family issues I haven't been able to work out for the past few days, and even thought I would have to move out of state for awhile. Thankfully, things seem to be going alright with the family for a change. So I can concentrate on continually losing weight.

My nutrition counselor at S2 said to consider using protein powder and consider doing weight training. I can dig both really, I have wanted to try some vegan protein powders and use them with some coconut milk and ice and make some smoothies. It seems pretty cool to me. I also used to weight train when I was really gung-ho about working out every day.  I am still using BMR Bliss Go Pack which is BMR Bliss, Thyro-Drive, and Downtime PM. I still get hungry and eat more sometimes but it is considerably less frequent. It's not like every meal is a banquet but having a nice meal from time to time is good.

I hope to keep this blog updated regularly as long as I'm not working. I work 8-hour shifts so I may not be available every single day to update the blog. But I definitely will check in at least once a week to let you know how things are going.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week One, Day 1: The Beginning

This is my before pic, week one. 5'3", 218 pounds, and way too overweight for my liking. I have been using some amazing supplements called the BMR Bliss Go Pack, as well as keeping to the diet plan they gave me and working out on the treadmill. I have lost 5 lbs, going from 223 to 218 in a few days, but the journey is only just beginning.

I abused my body for way too many years. I had a few traumatic events in my life but I don't think it was the cause of my weight issues. A lot of people who have similar events have residual issues dealing with them, but fortunately that was never the case with me. I definitely had self-esteem issues, but I think it was just because I underwent dramatic changes, going from very skinny to very overweight in a short amount of time. I try not to hold too many things against too many people. They are human and have their own issues as well.

Anyway, after burning way too many bridges in my life, I am trying to make right some of the things that have gone wrong in my life. I am treating my body with respect and dignity, and I'm treating my family and friends with the same respect and dignity.

This will not be a whiny blog. I am not the type who wants to lament about how no one was good to me and my dad never hugged me and whatnot. I have some great people in my life and I hug my dad regularly.

Here's what I will do though: I want to be able to empower others to make the same good choices in their lives. I will be open and honest, but respectful. I will not be too flowery or new-agey (I apologize for my departure in this post) but will still be encouraging. I hope you will comment on my blog and share your own stories because I love making friends.

So, let's kick some butt and take names, shall we?

And We're Off (To A Good Start)

Welcome to Weight Loss 365. Most of you know me as the reviewer on Well, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Shelly, and I'm overweight.

"Hi, Shelly!"

It seems counterintuitive to me. Here's a chica who is filling her body with lots of tasty things, how could she be overweight? Well, veganism is great but I learned the hard way to make sure that I wasn't the stereotypical "junk food vegan," who fills up on fries and vegan cookies and brownies, and wonders why her diet is not working. Also, I am gradually easing myself back into being vegan and holding myself accountable by writing the blog. With that in mind, I am easing myself into weight loss as well and I will hold myself accountable by writing this blog. Sound good? Great. Let's get started. :)