
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 35.5: Lighten Up The Load

Just chilling after a very slow but fun ride on the bike. I was originally intending to take a rest and cheat day, but I realized very quickly that wasn't going to be a good idea. I just felt nasty, and slept for three hours and felt worse. I decided to get on the bike and just take a slow ride, and I felt much better after that. :-) I broke my running streak at 23 days, but I will not worry about it and just go on like it didn't happen. :-) Sundays are a very difficult day to get into the gym anyway just because the hours are so wonky, and it was pouring down rain outside when I went out to run. I mean, don't get me wrong, a little rain never hurt me, but it might hurt my smartphone that I'm using to track my intervals. :-D No fun to have a wet cell phone.

I have been thinking about the content of my blogs and wonder if maybe I'm just being way too serious all the time. I am actually not a very serious person, and I'm not all that sensitive. But when you put me in an avenue where I can talk freely, I just become a downer. And that's no bueno at all! My family and I actually get along fairly well most of the time, except my mom has depression and chronic pain and you can imagine how that gets. I'm lucky if I can be cordial if I have a headache. But she is also a good cook and loves to cross-stitch. My dad is part geek and part mad scientist, and is obsessed with the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. :-) My sister loves to ride horses and ski, and she was a cheerleader in high school. She was pretty good at it too.

As for me, I love to be outdoors. I have gone backpacking in the past and although six miles with a thirty-pound hard-frame backpack on your back is a little difficult to say the least, I can't wait to go out there again and do some serious backpacking. (My fiancé might not though. I kind of lost him when I mentioned that there's no potties in the woods. :-D ) I make jewelry and I have since I was in high school. :-) Here is some of the things I have made:

I love making cards and scrapbooking as well. I don't usually use guidelines for cards, though I have for scrapbooking in the past and it actually turned out better than my freeform designs.

A card I made for my fiancé's 27th birthday. :-)

 A one-year anniversary layout I made.
So, all this to say, that maybe my blog needs to take a different direction, that I needed to lighten up the load, so to speak, and not be so dadgum serious all the time. :-) Speaking of which, wanna know what I look like after a long run and I get that runner's high? Well, here I am:
Anyhoo, I hope everyone has a great night. Be blessed and enjoy your evening! :-)


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